How to fully uninstall aws client VPN


So I'm trying to use AWS VPN Client on my

macOS Monterey version 12.4 Macbook Pro 16 inch 2019

When downloading a .ovpn from "Client VPN endpoints" I cannot seem to connect to the VPN. When I try to connect, I keep getting this from the client "Aws VPN Client is trying to install a new helper tool." in which it asks me for my credentials which I give it. Then immediately afterwards I get "AWS VPN Client Helper Tool is required to establish the connection."

I've reinstalled the software about 8 times.

Anytime I try to use the "Uninstall AWS VPN Client" I get "Uninstalled failed" with no additional information.

So I manually delete the files, I run this command to do additional cleanup

sudo /bin/launchctl remove /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.amazonaws.acvc.helper.plist

sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.amazonaws.acvc.helper.plist

sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.amazonaws.acvc.helper

I feel like im missing something obvious. It was working fine on my computer until recently. I've confirmed on another computer that the certs work fine. So if there is additional cleanup I can do, let me know.

So I was wondering if this is a known issue or just me? I looked around and couldn't find any information in the FAQ or troubleshooting of it.

2 Risposte


Have you looked at the below troubleshooting instructions for MacOS?

The other thing is, you could try Tunnelblick VPN client and see if that works properly if you have issues with the current client.

profile pictureAWS
con risposta 2 anni fa

After many failed hours, with no help from AWS, I too had this interaction. This is my 5th attempt with finally a success Here is the solution taht helped me solve my problem

con risposta 9 mesi fa

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