AWS Control Tower failed to set up your landing zone completely: AWS Control Tower cannot create the account. To create accounts in this organization, first migrate your organization's management ac.


I am setting up an AWS Control tower and getting the below error.

AWS Control Tower failed to set up your landing zone completely: AWS Control Tower cannot create the account. To create accounts in this organization, first migrate your organization's management account to the marketplace that corresponds to the account's physical address.

Please suggest a solution.

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posta un anno fa513 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Hi there,

AWS Control Tower requires the management account to be in the correct Region matching the physical location. To migrate your organization's management account to the correct location please use the AWS Organizations service console at - Once the migration is complete, you should be able to successfully set up your AWS Control Tower landing zone.

Please do let me know if this helps, you can also try opening a support ticket where a support engineer can confirm.

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