Amplify and faux app limit


Using the same account and region I have used for years. I have 11 Amplify apps, with a service quota of 40+. Receiving the error message that I have hit my limit. Can't email technical help under my plan.

Any ideas? TIA.

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Hello, Ability to interact with AWS Services can be affected if there are account-level restrictions put forth by AWS. This can happen due to multiple reasons, for example, the account has a possible compromised Access Key, etc. The account-level restrictions are put in place to safeguard customer resources and prevent and unexpected charges.

In these scenarios, you'd usually expect to see an email communication about the same from AWS and/or support case would exist. You are then expected to take the necessary action mentioned on the email/support case and get back on the same so that the concerned account team can process further.

If you are unsure of how to proceed further, please feel free to raise a Service Limit Increase with your desired limit using Service Quotas console and the concerned team will get back to you on the same.

con risposta un anno fa
  • Thanks for the lengthy answer. Hard to understand why if I have 11 apps running and 40 allocated, a service limit increase will fix things. For now, I did ask for increase and due to delay had to move stacks to another region. Not sure if this is fixed but terribly frustrating.

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