AWS Instance Scheduler - Help with Schedule


Hey everyone!

Hopefully an easy one for the more experienced of you.

I'm working on getting AWS Instance Scheduler going to scale up/down one of my instances for a burst of traffic that it receives at the first of every month. I just need some help with the syntax of the periods/schedules, and am looking for a little bit of advice.

This is what I'd like the behavior to be:

  1. Last day of month at 9pm (UTC) -> Scale up to larger instance type.
  2. 2nd day of month at 10am (UTC) -> Scale back down for the rest of the month.
  3. Repeat.

I have a period working that uses monthdays = 1-2 for the first task, but I want it to start a few hours prior. Then for the second I'm using monthdays = 3-F, but again, I'd like to be able to specify the exact time instead of 00:00 UTC, and that's where I'm hitting a wall.

Thank you!

posta 2 anni fa569 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte


This should be a simple fix - all you should need to do is add these lines:

  "begintime": {  
    "S": "21:00"  
  "endtime": {  
    "S": "10:00"  
  "timezone": {  
    "S": "UTC"  

which will ensure the upscaling function will execute at 9pm UTC and stop the next day at 10am UTC. You can then edit your downscaling function to execute at your desired time until the next upscale time.


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