Scale testing or simulation very large AWS environments


How do I simulate very large AWS account(s) with 70k VMs or large K8 clusters?

  • Can you provide more context in your question? What are your goals and what are you trying to achieve? When you say 70k VMs, are you referring to EC2 instances? Its very hard to give you an answer without more details.

  • Hi Chris, thanks for responding. Yes, these are EC2 instances. I'm trying to simulate a large enterprise AWS footprint to test some of my scenarios for scale such as enumerating the resources in the account, reading the metadata of each resource programmatically. Basically you can think of combinations of accounts across various resources that a large enterprise would be create/deploy. Let me know if additional information is needed.

  • anyone else?

  • I unfortunately don't have a great answer when it comes to that scale. There are service quotas and availability zone specific resource limitations that may prevent tests like that from being possible. You could definitely write your own scripts to execute CloudFormation, CDK, or Terraform constructs to build such an environment, but with service quotas and resource limitations, it may take a significant amount of time and resources.

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