Athena V3 throwing an error when trying to bucket on timestamp


So we noticed an issue after upgrading from the Athena v2 engine to v3 it happens when trying to use CTAS to create a table and bucket the data based on a timestamp this is definitely a new issue because we have been using the same code with no issue in v2. prior to upgrading we went throught the breaking changes and did not see any changes to the supported bucket types, or any other issues that would cause this issues to occur i am curious if anyone has encountered this issue and if they where able to resolve the problem

Test query: this was a extremely cut down version of our initial query that we changed to isolate the issue we used the localtimestamp to eliminate any potential issues on our side and the error would remain the same

    tmp.test_bucket1 with
        bucketed_by = ARRAY['timestamp']
        , bucket_count = 1
        , external_location = '[S3_DATA]'
    as (
        localtimestamp as timestamp

Error: Error

from what we feel like it could be something related to the timestamp breaking changes in the new Athena engine that have been made that might be having unexpected consequences on the bucketing process if anyone would be able to provide some more guidance or ideas it would be much appreciated for the time being we have reverted to V2 where timestamp bucketing is working until we can track down the cause for this

  • we're encountering the same error. could anyone from AWS please review this?

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