Amazon Lex V2 Context


Hi all,

Apologies in advance for the simple question, i am still learning lexv2. I currently have an intent that has an output context, as I’d like to be able to use the slots from that intent in future intents. However when i set the context slot value as a default value for my slot in a different intent, and test it, the value only gets set as default when i set the input context as the specific context.

This is not what i want as i want the user to be able to invoke the intent regardless of the context. Is there any ways to get the slot value to default to context value without specifying an input context, or is it a lambda problem?

posta un anno fa795 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Yes, it is possible to set the slot value to default to the context value without specifying an input context.

Here are a few things you can try:

In your intent definition, you can set the "Default Value" of the slot to the context variable. This will set the default value of the slot to the value of the context variable, regardless of the input context.

In your Lambda function, you can check if the context variable is set and if so, set the slot value to the context variable. This way, the slot value will be set to the context variable if it is present, but will not require an input context.

In your Lambda function, you can also check if the context variable is set and if not, set the context variable with the value of the slot. This will ensure that the context variable is always set and can be used as a default value for the slot in future intents.

It's also worth checking the value of the context variable in the Lambda function, to ensure that it has the expected value, also make sure that you are setting the context variable in the correct scope (e.g. session, request) and that the lambda function has the correct permissions to read and write context variables.

It's also worth checking the documentation of the specific service you are using for more information on how to set the default value for a slot using context variables.

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