Langchain document loaders give read only file system error on AWS lambda while loading the document


I am trying to load a file from S3 bucket using AWS lambda using langchain document loaders

I first tried using S3FileLoader when it gave the read-only file error.

So I tried downloading the docx file first from the S3 bucket and then used the specific document loader "UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader" as it was the word document I uploaded. but it still gave the same error.

Eventually I want to load any type of document in S3 bucket and generate embeddings to store in an opensearch vector database.

Also if I try to deploy my lambda with docker using image I get a error "FileNotFoundError: soffice command was not found. Please install libreoffice"

Example Code

` from langchain_community.document_loaders import S3FileLoader from langchain_community.document_loaders import UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader

#first approach
#loader = S3FileLoader(s3_bucket, s3_key)
#docs = loader.load()

#second approach

s3.download_file(s3_bucket, s3_key, f"/tmp/{s3_key}")

with open(f"/tmp/{s3_key}", "rb") as f:
loader = UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader(f"/tmp/{s3_key}")
docs = loader.load()


[ERROR] OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: '/home/sbx_user1051' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/task/aws_lambda_powertools/logging/", line 449, in decorate return lambda_handler(event, context, *args, **kwargs) File "/var/task/", line 54, in handler docs = loader.load() File "/var/task/langchain_community/document_loaders/", line 87, in load elements = self._get_elements() File "/var/task/langchain_community/document_loaders/", line 124, in _get_elements return partition_docx(filename=self.file_path, **self.unstructured_kwargs) File "/var/task/unstructured/documents/", line 526, in wrapper elements = func(*args, **kwargs) File "/var/task/unstructured/file_utils/", line 619, in wrapper elements = func(*args, **kwargs) File "/var/task/unstructured/file_utils/", line 574, in wrapper elements = func(*args, **kwargs) File "/var/task/unstructured/chunking/", line 69, in wrapper elements = func(*args, **kwargs) File "/var/task/unstructured/partition/", line 228, in partition_docx return list(elements) File "/var/task/unstructured/partition/", line 397, in apply_lang_metadata elements = list(elements) File "/var/task/unstructured/partition/", line 305, in _iter_document_elements yield from self._iter_paragraph_elements(block_item) File "/var/task/unstructured/partition/", line 541, in _iter_paragraph_elements yield from self._classify_paragraph_to_element(item) File "/var/task/unstructured/partition/", line 361, in _classify_paragraph_to_element TextSubCls = self._parse_paragraph_text_for_element_type(paragraph) File "/var/task/unstructured/partition/", line 868, in _parse_paragraph_text_for_element_type if is_possible_narrative_text(text): File "/var/task/unstructured/partition/", line 78, in is_possible_narrative_text if exceeds_cap_ratio(text, threshold=cap_threshold): File "/var/task/unstructured/partition/", line 274, in exceeds_cap_ratio if sentence_count(text, 3) > 1: File "/var/task/unstructured/partition/", line 223, in sentence_count sentences = sent_tokenize(text) File "/var/task/unstructured/nlp/", line 29, in sent_tokenize _download_nltk_package_if_not_present(package_category="tokenizers", package_name="punkt") File "/var/task/unstructured/nlp/", line 23, in _download_nltk_package_if_not_present File "/var/task/nltk/", line 777, in download for msg in self.incr_download(info_or_id, download_dir, force): File "/var/task/nltk/", line 642, in incr_download yield from self._download_package(info, download_dir, force) File "/var/task/nltk/", line 699, in _download_package os.makedirs(download_dir) File "", line 215, in makedirs File "", line 225, in makedirs

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