Store Git configuration in Glue Studio Version Control


I started using the Github integration (Version Control functionality) in Glue Studio and I'm able to Push and Pull to/from my repository in Github. However, each time I leave Glue Studio I need to reconfigure the Git configuration (Personal access token + Repository owner). It even states that "You will need to re-enter this information each time you log in to AWS Management Console.". I was wondering if there is a way to permanently store the configuration?

The need to reconfigure this every time I use the service would be a good reason for me not to use it because this is a tedious job.

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Glue doesn't store it because if it would be saved with the job and would be leaked.
Eventually those credentials should be stored on AWS Secret Manager and just reference that secret in the job.
What you can do at the time being (other than having them at hand to copy/paste) is having a script that uses the API to execute the same action, you could have the script at hand in your computer and execute it as needed.

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