While using url the cloudfront domain is pop up?


I hosted a web app in ec2 and attached a domain in that and I also used CloudFront for that. But while I am using that URL some pages are going as Cloudfront distribution domain name and not working as well. eg: http://d35869gaolujcn.cloudfront.net/create-article/ like this. The pages shown blank and but if I using Cloudfront domain it redirect to that URL.

2 Risposte


What kind of application is your application?
Also, have you checked the application and web server logs?
These logs may contain information about why you are being redirected.

profile picture
con risposta 8 mesi fa
  • If using WordPress, please check that the site URL and WordPress address are set correctly.


The application runs on Php and is created in the WordPress application

con risposta 8 mesi fa

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