RDS Blue/Green deployment not working with instances having read replica


Enter image description here I was experimenting with RDS Blue/Green deployment , it worked fine with normal instance but when I tried with instance having read replicas in different region , after clicking on Create Blue/Green deployment it's just showing loader , also console is showing following error

eg . Main instance is on us-east-1 and it has DB read replica in eu-central-1 it just showing loader screen on clicking create

2 Risposte

Hi, it says on https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/blue-green-deployments-overview.html#blue-green-deployments-limitations that "Blue/green deployments aren't supported for the following features: ... Cross-Region read replicas". So no, this won't work. It should have failed a bit more gracefully though!

con risposta un anno fa

Apologies I know this is not an answer. The documentation states read replicas are not supported. We have an instance with many databases and tables and the upgrade from 5.7 to 8.0 takes 37+ hours. This obviously means the system is offline. One approach would be to use Blue/Green and upgrade the Green copy. This would mean destroying our DR copy (Cross Region replica). So our options are have the system offline for 37 hours or No DR. Is there a timeline for Replicas to be supported with Blue/Green deployments? Will it be before 5.7 goes EOL? (October) Many Thanks.

con risposta un anno fa

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