Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP


How can I replicate data from Amazon FSx for Windows to Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP?

posta 2 anni fa1021 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte

There is no Block level replication available, you can use AWS DataSync, since you are asking for copy from Fsx Windows to FSx Netapp i assume it is CIFS/SMB filesystem you can use robocopy also. Any file based copy tool will work. Thanks

con risposta 2 anni fa

Hi There

We recommend using AWS DataSync to transfer data between FSx for ONTAP file systems and non-ONTAP file systems, including FSx for Lustre, FSx for OpenZFS, FSx for Windows File Server, Amazon EFS, Amazon S3, and on-premises filers.


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con risposta 2 anni fa
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verificato 10 mesi fa

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