WordPress on AWS via Cloudflare and the backup to the Proxmox Backup Server (PBS) ?


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Hi, I'll be happy to help you.

A new project is on the agenda. It needs to be secure and stable, even if a storm hits.. and if something goes wrong, it should not be an art to roll out the backup. <br> WHAT: I want to set up WordPress <br> WHERE: AWS seems to be the best and safest option when it comes to intelligent security. (From what I've read, AWS is smart enough to keep the world of today safe) <br> How: The WP page should run on Lightsail, the connection and forwarding via Cloudflare (the domain is already set up) <br> Backup: I need to be able to manage the backup myself.. so it can also run in two or even better, parallel systems. <br> The goal is for the container (Linux) to send the backup to my Proxmox Backup Server (PBS) hosted on the Proxmox Server (PVE) every day. <br> I'm asking for support: Is this feasible? How much GB of space do I need so that a large community (which is supposed to grow) can stably upload, edit images, view maps and run database queries smoothly? Can the VS Lightsail at AWS handle that? <br> What backup system should I choose or is offered at AWS? <br> Well, I'm still a bit caught up in the theory.. can someone help me out of this?

1 Risposta


Lightsail offers automatic snapshot creation.
If you use this feature to automatically create snapshots, you can restore your Lightsail instance from the snapshot if something goes wrong.

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