Health Check Fail - App Runner .NET 6


Hello, I'm facing a problem when trying to upload a .NET 6 API to the App Runner service, I do all the settings and create the service. Through the Logs, they follow a little of its progress, it starts successfully, builds an application successfully and at the verification step the Health Check, it stays +- 20 min until it fails. I tried changing the port to 5000, 5001 and 8080 but none were successful. Please could someone help me?

  • Are you able to run your application locally in a container? What port is your application listening on? The default App Runner port is 8080, but if your application is listening on port 80, it won't return a response when a request comes through App Runner on the default port (this includes health checks). If that doesn't resolve the issue, please share your docker or docker-compose files so we can help you debug.

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