Error when adding flag tinyInt1isBit=false in the MySQL JDBC url


An error occurred while calling o89.getDynamicFrame. The connection property 'tinyInt1isBit' only accepts values of the form: 'true', 'false', 'yes' or 'no'. The value 'false?useCursorFetch=true' is not in this set.

I got this error when adding tinyInt1isBit flag in mysql database.

Here's my connection options to connect to the database

datasource_oi = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame_from_options( 'mysql', connection_options={ "url": "jdbc:mysql://blablabla:3306/dbtable?tinyInt1isBit=false", "user":"user", "password":"password", "dbtable":"dbtable" } )

I have no idea how to fix this error. Thank you

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