Does Amazon QuickSight have a user limit?


We have several clients with 25,000 to 50,000 employees each. We are thinking of creating users with reader permission in Amazon QuickSight for each of them (the actually number accessing Amazon QuickSight will be much lower).

Is there any limit to the number of users an Amazon QuickSight account can create? Can they freely create 100,000+ users without encountering any limits?

posta 4 anni fa1893 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta
Risposta accettata

Each Amazon QuickSight Enterprise edition account can have an unlimited number of user accounts. Please see

Each Amazon QuickSight Standard edition account can have up to 100 user accounts, including the AWS root account or IAM account that created the Amazon QuickSight account. Please see

con risposta 4 anni fa
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verificato 2 mesi fa

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