Global Table Replication


Have a global table created in east region and it gets replicated to west region for DR. When we create a lambda trigger on the stream it get triggered in both regions i.e. double replication. Is there a way to just trigger replication in east and not in west to avoid dual replication.

posta 2 anni fa281 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

The convention is to add an attribute (yourself) to store the region where the item was inserted/updated and have the Lambda only process items where the attribute is its local region. You can use Lambda event filtering to easily filter away non-local items before the Lambda is even invoked.

con risposta 2 anni fa
  • Can you please provide more information on how to do the filtering before lambda is invoked. Is lambda filtering supported on global tables.

  • Can you please provide more information on how to do the filtering before lambda is invoked. Is lambda filtering supported on global tables.

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