Windows Self Managed Nodes fail to join a cluster


I created a node-group of self managed nodes with terraform, the ec2 instanced get created with the right tags, security group & settings, the aws-auth config map includes this SG for the rols "system:bootstrappers" & "system:nodes, the amazon-vpc-cni config map includes the "enable-windows-ipam" setting and yet the nodes don't show up in the cluster nodes. Anyone has any ideas what can be wrong?

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2 Risposte
  • Check the following link to verify the Windows AMI version compatible with EKS Cluster
  • Double-check the aws-auth ConfigMap in your EKS cluster to ensure that it includes the correct roles for your Windows nodes. You can use the kubectl get configmap aws-auth -n kube-system -o yaml command to inspect the ConfigMap.
  • Review the Amazon VPC CNI ConfigMap to ensure that it has the correct "enable-windows-ipam" setting. You can use the kubectl get configmap aws-node -n kube-system -o yaml command to inspect the ConfigMap
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con risposta un anno fa
  • thanks for the advice, I checked the AMI is as expected and verified the two config maps, everything is in place yet the nodes don't join the cluster. I verified security group and rules and restarted the instances, nothing helps.


Please see the documentation provided here for launching self-managed Windows nodegroups. Note - you will need some Linux based nodes for core addons such as CoreDNS which are required for the cluster

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