Unable to send emails using SES via SDK



I keep getting this error while trying to send emails using PHP SDK.

<Code>AccountSendingPausedException</Code> <Message>Sending is paused for this account.</Message>

While my account shows no such limits. Contacted Support as well and they replied back saying.

"Thank you for contacting the Simple Email Service team. I have confirmed that your account is active and able to send email in the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) region."

I have also made sure to check if the region through which I am sending is correct. Lost on what to do further.

Any assistance would be great!

  • Can you post result of 'aws ses get-account-sending-enabled --region <sending_region>' ?

1 Risposta

Hiya, I believe this is the result of your emailing function being temporarily blocked, just a message and ask why you have been blocked, I may be wrong though.

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