How multipart uploads are priced for Glacier and Deep Archive storage class


How an incomplete multipart upload is priced? Is it priced according to the Glacier small price or standard storage price?

Wouldn't I be charged with 90/180 days if I abort an upload to Glacier storage?

I am uploading huge archives and it is crucial to me. If I first upload to standard storage it costs a lot, a day of standard storage price is like a month in Deep Archive. While uploading directly to Glacier storage class seems risky because a connection can be broken in a process.

posta 5 anni fa494 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

The parts are staged in S3 Standard until the CompleteMultipartUpload request is sent. There is no early delete on those parts if you abandon an upload, however you will be charged for storage of those parts at the S3 Standard storage price in the region until you either complete the upload or delete the parts.

con risposta 5 anni fa

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