When will AWS update the Cloud9 Base Images?


Ubuntu 18.04 has reached EOL. Amazon Linux 2 EOL was just extended 2 years to 2025. What is the future of AWS Cloud9 at this point? Are there plans to upgrade the base images to the latest and greatest Amazon Linux and Ubuntu, respectively?

Thanks in advance!

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Hello, Please find the below information regarding the EOL of Ubuntu AMI:

When will a new Ubuntu base image be available? A new Ubuntu AMI will be available by July 30, 2023.

Can I choose Ubuntu 18.04 after 31 May, 2023? Yes. You can choose Ubuntu 18.04 after 31 May, 2023. The option to choose Ubuntu 18.04 will be available in the console until the next Ubuntu AMI is released.

What happens after the EOL of Ubuntu 18.04? After 31 May, 2023, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will no longer receive further security updates from Canonical. You can continue to receive security updates by choosing one of the following options:

  1. Upgrade to Ubuntu Pro 18.04 with the AWS License Manager. Ubuntu Pro subscription incurs an additional costs.
  2. Create a Cloud9 environment with Amazon Linux 2 AMI, or
  3. Create an SSH based Cloud9 environment with existing compute with any Linux distribution, which includes Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04.
profile pictureAWS
con risposta un anno fa


The Ubuntu documentations has moved the "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS" from the LTS (Long Term Support) [1] phase in 2023 to ESM (Extended Security Maintenance) for a further 5 year [2]. It will become 'EOL' (End of Life) in 2028 [3].

Therefore, currently AWS has not announced when Ubuntu 18.04 support will come to end and when will the latest version be released.

As soon as the new version is released, it should be publicly announced in either one of the following links:

[+]What's New: http://aws.amazon.com/new/
[+]Release Notes: https://aws.amazon.com/releasenotes
[+]Cloud9 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cloud9/latest/user-guide/history.html


[1] The Ubuntu lifecycle and release cadence - https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle
[2] Extended Security Maintenance - https://ubuntu.com/security/esm
[3] List of releases - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases

profile pictureAWS
con risposta un anno fa
  • The answer is not sufficient. Will Cloud9 instances on Ubuntu 18.04 continue to receive security updates and if so, how frequently?

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