AWS Console website fails on re-login



I've been seeing this console related issue for a while now where I'll have 20 AWS tabs open, then after the session expires I'll login again (with MFA). For some reason when I try refreshing all the tabs to restart the sessions it will sometimes log me out again (Forcing me to reauth for a second time).

This may have something to do with how the session is stored in the browser, but I'm wondering if you all are aware of any recommendations or fixes for this problem. It makes it exceptionally difficult to continue the session where I left off if I get logged back out almost every time.

I try hard refreshing, pressing the reload button, etc. Most the of the time it will force a relog on a different tab, only sometimes will it accept my first login.

Been facing this problem for months and wanted to surface this concern.

For reference I'm running Google Chrome on a Windows machine

Its really more a case of having difficulties logging back in after the session has expired.

Usually after 12 hours aws will end the session and the console will show signed out. If multiple tabs are open after re-authenticating on one tab it is possible the console will just reject on refresh or reload and log out all sessions again.

I've been able to work around this for a while with hard refreshing, but have found it annoying and wondered if anyone was aware of a way to avoid this problem on re-login

  • Can you confirm if you're accessing to AWS via Identity Center?

  • Usually its the console for whatever the old tab was on.

    For example

    The window will be greyed out with a pop up saying

    You were signed out of your account. Please press ‘Reload’ to sign in to the AWS Management Console again.

    I've found clicking the Reload or even just soft refreshing will cause me to re-log out

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