Amazon Linux 2023 AVIF


How to install AVIF file support for linux Amazon 2023 and php 8.3?

posta 2 mesi fa143 visualizzazioni
6 Risposte

According to the release notes, support for PHP8.3 was added in Amazon Linux 2023 version 2023.5.20240624.

Can you elaborate on the AVIF file support?

con risposta 2 mesi fa


To install AVIF file support on Amazon Linux 2023 and PHP 8.3, follow these steps:

Install libavif:

sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel
sudo yum install libavif

Install PHP 8.3 with AVIF support:

sudo amazon-linux-extras install php8.3
sudo yum install php-avif

Verify AVIF support:

php -i | grep avif

This should display AVIF support information.

Note: Ensure you have the latest Amazon Linux 2023 updates installed before proceeding.

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con risposta 2 mesi fa

Is there a php libavif plugin available for Amazon Linux 2023.5.20240624 2023 and php 8.3 so that avif files can be supported?

con risposta 2 mesi fa

I am currently using Amazon Linux 2023 version 2023.5.20240722

con risposta 2 mesi fa

from what i know amazon linux 2023 is not fully compatible with epel?

Is it possible to also install heif and heic formats?

con risposta 2 mesi fa

So there is no possibility of installing avif?

con risposta 2 mesi fa

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