Cannot decouple RDS DB from Elastic Beanstalk


I recently did a Blue/Green migration because my EB environment was deprecated (PHP 8.0 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.5.14). I followed this article and everything worked until the end when I try to decouple my database. I attempted to do this through the console as well as the EB CLI and got the same error both times:

Configuration validation exception: Invalid option value: '5.6' (Namespace: 'aws:rds:dbinstance', OptionName: 'DBEngineVersion'): Engine Version 5.6 not supported for mysql db

Since I already successfully created another environment and swapped the URL's, and enabled deletion protection on the RDS DB, is it safe to just delete this EB Environment without decoupling the DB? Am I missing something?

Mike W
posta 6 mesi fa199 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte


Not sure if your new environment includes a new database (no, according to the documentation you followed). That means that now you have:

  • old EB environment, which includes DB creation
  • new EB environment, which only has application

If you are going to delete old EB environment, your DB will be also terminated.

So, the error you have is because your DB created long time ago and version 5.6 is not supported anymore. You need either update it (and update old EB configuration correspondingly) and then decouple upgraded RDS DB from the old EB. or You can create a new RDS DB from snapshot, connect new EB to it and then terminate the old one.

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con risposta 6 mesi fa
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verificato 2 mesi fa
  • The RDS engine version is 8.0.33 (not 5.6 as the error message says). When I run eb config in the command line it doesn't show the DBEngineVersion key at all. I added it with value '8.0' and it allows me to save the config but doesn't actually do anything. If I try to also change HasCoupledDatabase to 'false' at the same time it just says Invalid Configuration. If I try to change HasCoupledDatabase by itself it gives me the error described above.

    Also, I turned deletion protection on for the RDS database. Would that not prevent it from being deleted if I delete the EB environment?


Hi Team

I have Old Elastic beanstalk environment which is running on 4.0.5. Where Db version is 5.7.34. The Database endpoint which is binded to this environment has been deleted Manually.
so the problem is :

  1. I can not decouple the database. (Getting Version error same like above)
  2. Can't upgrade the database as i don't have actually.

Can you please provide me some steps to resolve this issue, So i can decouple the old database (which is deleted.) and make my environment working.

con risposta un mese fa

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