New AL2 AMI SNS topic not listing kernel-5.10 AMI's



I'm following the description in to setup a Lambda function to automatically update our AMI's by SNS messages from that topic.

But it appears that although the messages contain a list of AMI's for each region, they do not list new kernel-5.10 AMI's, e.g.:

 "v1": {
   "ReleaseVersion": "2.0",
   "ImageVersion": "2.0.20230628.0",
   "ReleaseNotes": "",
   "Regions": {
     "af-south-1": [
         "ImageId": "ami-09f481bc9ff8f1fe9",
         "Name": "amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.20230628.0-arm64-gp2"
         "ImageId": "ami-0817f20eb20ad8299",
         "Name": "amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.20230628.0-x86_64-ebs"
         "ImageId": "ami-06ee0f14381020990",
         "Name": "amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.20230628.0-x86_64-gp2"
         "ImageId": "ami-0e259b7c2ed500c75",
         "Name": "amzn2-ami-minimal-hvm-2.0.20230628.0-arm64-ebs"
         "ImageId": "ami-0e5d389c0d680d06b",
         "Name": "amzn2-ami-minimal-hvm-2.0.20230628.0-x86_64-ebs"

Is there another topic which contains these AMI's?

The alternative for me right now is to ignore the list in the message and check the SSM parameter every time the Lambda function gets triggered by following

Is this the best that can be done?

1 Risposta

As you are aware, that is the only SNS topic for notifying new AMIs.
Yes, SSM parameters are a good way to get up-to-date information about your AMI so your architecture can be used to solve your problem.

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con risposta un anno fa
  • Thanks for the confirmation. Is there some place where I can request Amazon to update the SNS topic to include all kernels?

  • You should be able to send feedback from AWS support, but I think you need paid support for technical inquiries.

  • I have never been there, but it seems that feedback is delayed from the screen of each service. However, I think this feedback is for the UI, so it's highly likely that it's not what you're looking for.

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