Is possible to use RHEL Developer Subscription on AWS EC2?


Hello, Is it possible to use the RHEL developer subscription (which is free) on EC2 instances?

If yes, can you please guide us to achieve it?

Thank you.

posta 2 anni fa321 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Hi there, You mention that you would like to know if you could use your RHEL Developers subscription on AWS EC2.

It seems that you cannot use your RHEL Developer Subscription on AWS EC2. The RHEL subscription that it is supported seems to be the RHEL premium subscription.
You can upgrade your subscription to premium and after you will be able to use RHEL with AWS EC2 [1]. I have gathered the information from a RHEL frequently asked questions on the AWS platform [2].




con risposta 2 anni fa

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