How can I make a third-party cloud vpn connection?


I am trying to connect with a third-party cloud vpn with aws site to site vpn.

I do not know what to enter in the IP address field in the customer gateway during work.

In my opinion, it is necessary to pass the tunnel ip that is set first in aws site to site vpn to a third-party cloud vpn.

How do I set it up?

  • i fo need other vpn device and that config value.

posta 2 anni fa491 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta


You need the Static, internet-routable IP address for your customer gateway device. If your customer gateway device is behind a NAT device that's enabled for NAT-T, use the public IP address of the NAT device. As for the Tunnel outside IPs on AWS side they will be generated once you create the VPN connection.

See this link it has detail step-by-step process to create AWS VPN:

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con risposta 2 anni fa

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