How to make my ec2 work within the free tier or at low cost


Today I had a very big problem that has already been solved, the situation in question was that I had very high charges due to my ec2 that accumulated 4000 and 5000 hours in the months of February and March, but the month has only 730 hours, the free tier says something about 750 hours but I believe that my ec2 has several locations and this makes it consume much more, I don't think it's an instance because it says on the panel only 1 instance, I believe it's something related to the locations. i would like some help to let my ec2 consume only the 730 hours of the month with only 1 location so that the charge is not more than 3.65 dollars.

"this site in question is for a project of mine and it's not a site that makes me money so I don't need it and I don't intend to invest a lot of money in it to get it online, since this is just a positioning for the project"

Translated with (free version)

  • i saw that i have 6 sub networks in my vpc, i guess it was the problem, does sub networks affect in my hours of use?

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posta 2 mesi fa112 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

⚡ The number of subnets within your VPC is not directly responsible for the high EC2 usage hours you're seeing. The charges are based on the actual resources, such as EC2 instances, that are running within those subnets.

The 4,000-5,000 hours of usage indicates a substantial deployment of EC2 resources, likely spanning multiple Availability Zones or even AWS Regions, to maintain a high-availability architecture. This might involve EC2 instances running in various subnets across different Availability Zones, or potentially up to 6 individual EC2 instances, each operating in a distinct subnet within the same Availability Zone.

Please verify if you have 6 EC2 instances running. You can check this in the AWS Management Console for a global view.

💡 Each running EC2 instance incurs costs based on individual hours of usage. For example, in a month, one EC2 instance will consume 720 hours, while two instances will consume 1440 hours, and so forth.

ℹ️ For more information, refer to this link: Amazon EC2 Global View Console Regions.

ℹ️ For further details on VPC billing, refer to the section on VPC Cost Efficiency in the following post: VPC Cost Efficiency.

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con risposta 2 mesi fa
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