VPN Endpoint Authentication Issue with Azure SAML Provider


I've configured a VPN endpoint with Federated authentication using Azure as the SAML provider. However, I'm facing an issue with the Authorization rules. When I choose "Allow access to users in a specific access group" and specify the Access group ID, it doesn't work when accessing the VPN client. On the other hand, if I select "Allow access to all users," I can successfully access AWS resources. I would greatly appreciate your assistance with this matter.

1 Risposta


Check Access Group Configuration in Azure: First, verify that your Azure Access Group is configured correctly. Ensure that the users who should have access to the VPN are added to this Access Group. Also, double-check the Access Group ID to make sure it's accurate.

SAML Token Issuance: Make sure that Azure is correctly issuing SAML tokens to your VPN endpoint. You can do this by checking the Azure SAML token configuration. Ensure that the SAML assertions contain the necessary information for authentication and authorization.

Best regards, Andrii

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con risposta 8 mesi fa
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verificato 16 giorni fa
  • I've figured it out. When authorizing ingress, you can select “Allow access to users in a specific access group.” AzureAD sends over the Access Group ID as the groups GUID. To get this go to Groups in AzureAD and you will see it listed next to the group name. Just copy the Object Id and add it to the VPN authorizing rule.

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