Marketplace Product ID Generation



I want to publish a product through AWS Marketplace, and we need to rely on the Product ID to perform some housekeeping tasks within the product, I have some questions,

  • What is the recommended approach for experimenting?
  • Are product IDs dynamically generated every time you publish the product?
  • Can we add any other metadata to the product identity document?

Thanks in advance!

posta 2 anni fa531 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

The publishing process for AWS Marketplace includes a step after building a product listing where the product is available to you and allowlisted test accounts but not to the public, allowing for testing. The Product ID is per product listing, each publishing event creates a new version of the product but the Product ID is the same.

Information on Metadata is available in the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide:

profile pictureAWS
con risposta 2 anni fa

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