Unable to update cluster using pcluster update-cluster


ec2-user:~/environment $ pcluster update-cluster -n hpc -c config.yaml { "message": "Unable to parse configuration file. Unable to load configuration from bucket 'parallelcluster-224514400f379bb5-v1-do-not-delete/parallelcluster/3.6.0/clusters/hpc-fz9dgvd5ws1q29hz'.\nThe specified version does not exist." }

I am not able to update my cluster. But I have my config.yaml file present on my local machine. Is there any way to update with the config.yaml from local machine?

Thank you in advance

3 Risposte

The syntax seems fine as far as the commands are concerned.

Is it possible that there is a problem with the contents of the configuration file?

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con risposta un anno fa
  • Hi, There is no problem with the configuration file because I am working on my HPC and also, I have that exact same file on my local machine. Could be because the default location of the config.yaml is in that path. What do you think? How can I change that default location?

  • I didn't think the location of the files was that important. What happens if I specify a file by absolute path as follows?

    pcluster update-cluster -n hpc -c /path/config.yaml
  • Looking at the following document, I thought that "InstanceType" could not be changed in the configuration file. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/parallelcluster/latest/ug/HeadNode-v3.html#yaml-HeadNode-InstanceType

    If it was a head node instance type, I believe it could be changed from the management console.


It didn't work. I want to just change the instance type. Could you please guide me how to do it? Without pcluster update?

Instance Type

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Hi! The file in the parallelcluster-224514400f379bb5-v1-do-not-delete/parallelcluster/3.6.0/clusters/hpc-fz9dgvd5ws1q29hz bucket is required, because the CLI will use it to compare new cluster configuration with previous configuration.

Is your cluster hpc-fz9dgvd5ws1q29hz created with version 3.6.0 of ParallelCluster? The cli is able to retrieve the previous configuration file unless it has been manually deleted. Can you check the bucket existence?

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