NICE DCV suddenly stops showing microphone and webcam capability


This has happened on two of three instances so far. I set everything up and it all looks good. Then at some point in the next few hours I connect and notice I do not have the little microphone or webcam buttons at the top of the NICE DCV screen. I do have the clipboard and multiple monitor buttons. When I look on the OS, it still shows a virtual microphone.

What could be causing this?

  • Did you have a look at the DCV logfiles for that session or server.log to find an indication of what could have caused that?

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2 Risposte

There could be a few potential causes for this issue. Some possible explanations include:

A problem with the virtual microphone or webcam drivers on the remote machine, which could prevent the microphone or webcam buttons from appearing in the NICE DCV screen. A conflict with another application or service that is using the microphone or webcam on the remote machine, which could prevent the NICE DCV session from accessing these devices. A problem with the NICE DCV software itself, which could prevent the microphone or webcam buttons from appearing in the screen even when the devices are properly configured and available. You may want to check the event logs, check if there are any process that is using the microphone, update the drivers and troubleshoot the NICE DCV software and ensure that it is up to date. Also, you may want to check the connection, restarting the remote machine and the NICE DCV session, and see if that resolves the issue.

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con risposta un anno fa

Hey there! There are a lot of variables to be reviewed for this issue. Please open an AWS support case so the team can diagnose your logs.

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