SSM agent service failed to start on windows-server 2019 (datacenter)


I want to connect the instance with windows-server 2019 datacenter as OS. But the SSM agent service cannot be started either by Power Shell or windows service manage panel.

In Powershell, it prompt like below.

Start-Service : Failed to start service 'Amazon SSM Agent (AmazonSSMAgent)'.
At line:1 char:1
+ Start-Service AmazonSSMAgent
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OpenError: (System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController:ServiceController) [Start-Service],
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : StartServiceFailed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartServiceCommand

Meanwhile, I have created ssm-user and added it to Admin group. But it is not helpful towards issue.

I believe it is SSM configuration issue. But having no idea on how to troubleshoot. This issue only appears in Tokyo region, while the SSM Quick Start website layout is different from what we see in HongKong region.

posta 2 anni fa1490 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Have you reviewed Systems Manager agent logs? It is available under %PROGRAMDATA%\Amazon\SSM\Logs\ for Windows. Also, I recommend taking a look at this troubleshooting article.

con risposta 2 anni fa

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