SES compliance with rDNS, PTR, valid reverse DNS records


We need to determine if Amazon SES automatically complies some of Google and Yahoo's new bulk email requirements.


  • PTR records,
  • rDNS,
  • Making sure your sending server IP addresses have valid reverse DNS records.

We use SES to send bulk emails from our own custom domain. We have fully authenticated this domain and I can see within the AWS console that we are passing SPF, DKIM and DMARC – and I can also see this SES automatically uses TLS to send email data, and complies with RFC 5322.

However, I can't find any compliance info from AWS SES on the remaining requirements listed above underneath 'Specifically:'.

For example, we also use Postmark and they have this useful post where they say that they take care of these requirements automatically.

Can someone please help me verify that Amazon SES automatically complies with the new email requirements listed above? Thank you

See screenshot of the requirements that we can't verify with SES.Screenshot of missing requirements

posta 2 mesi fa132 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta
Risposta accettata

While not explicitly stated, Amazon SES appears to automatically handle PTR records and rDNS for its users based on the context provided and implied DNS management capabilities. Please check AWS documentation for all official details regarding Amazon SES configuration and usage.

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