Can an Elemental MediaLive channel using an MP4 input skip playback position in real time?


We are planning a feature to move files from our CMS solution to S3 and then broadcast those files via Element MediaLive. The problem is that the video files we will be playing contain unwanted ads. Is it possible to dynamically skip those ad sections during playback?

If not, we are thinking of splitting the video into the necessary parts and then re-assembling them.

Do you have any other solutions?

posta un anno fa248 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Hi Ray,

You have two options here:

  1. Implement Medialive input clipping ( with scheduled actions ( or;
  2. Prepare the assets with Mediaconvert to clip out the unwanted adverts that are in the MP4 file and assemble the Live Stream with MediaTailor - Channel Assembly

Kind Regards Nuno

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