Is there a delay between the moment a domain expired and is removed from your account and the moment you can register it again.


One of the domain I had registered expired on July 31st and was removed from my account. I tried to register it again but it's not available. I'm fairly confident that no one else registered it as it is a really specific domain name. So is there a delay between the moment the domain expired and the moment it is available again for registration.

posta 2 anni fa211 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

When a domain is deleted or it passes the end of the late-renewal period, it no longer appears in the Amazon Route 53 console. The price for restoring a domain is typically higher and sometimes much higher than the price for registering or renewing a domain.

Check this link out for more details regarding restoring the expired/deleted domain.


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con risposta 2 anni fa
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verificato 2 anni fa

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