New EC2 from account generated AMI disallowing sftp connections that work in original server/source of AMI

  1. I tested sftp set up on a free tier (.micro) server built from the aws linux ami (ami-06ca3ca175f37dd66). I was able to get it to work on this server with two sftp users using a 'Match Group' directive in the sshd_config. I could (and still can) login via sftp with both user accounts. We'll call this working set up 'SERVER 1'
  2. I created an ami from SERVER 1 and used it to launch a .medium sized server with all the same specs, security group, vpc, etc. We'll call the new server, 'SERVER 2'.
  3. I am able to ssh connect to SERVER 2, I am unable to connect either of the user accounts via sftp that work for SERVER 1.
  4. I get the error: Connection closed by authenticating user username ipaddress port portnum [preauth].
  5. This occurs both using an external client as well as attempting to connect from the sftp command on the same machine.

Anyone have any idea?

I have compared all the configs, sec groups, status messages I can think to compare and still can't figure out why two machines that appear be identical are giving two different behaviors. I also reset the passwords for the sftp users, same error.

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Found it. Feeling stupid.

Last line of Match Group directives in sshd_config was: PasswordAuthentication yes

on SERVER 1.

The AMI process changed it to: PasswordAuthentication no

which propagated to SERVER 2.

Changed 'no' to 'yes' and now it works. Missed the last line. Hopefully this helps someone else:

AMI Process changes your sshd_config file!

con risposta un anno fa
  • Hi, usually, you don't accept your own answer but the one which helped you find your problem. That's how a community works best ;-)


Hi, did you try ssh -v (or -vv or -vvv) on working and non-working machine to see what differs at ssh connection time?

If you sftp client does support -v option, you can also try it with sftp itself. But, AFAIK, not all do.

Maybe this will help in locating the issue on the sftp side.


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verificato un anno fa
  • Thank you for your speedy reply, I missed a line in the config that was changed during the AMI process.

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