App Runner and RDS



It seems we can't configure for the moment an App Runner service to communicate with an RDS database. Is it a current limitation, or did I miss something?

posta 3 anni fa5319 visualizzazioni
4 Risposte

Yes, it is not currently supported. This is one of the feature requests tracked here -
Please vote on the issue to get it prioritized.

con risposta 3 anni fa

I was able access my RDS database from AppRunner successfully. You have to configure these 2 settings on RDS:

  1. Choose the option to make the RDS instance Publicly accessible.
  2. To the VPC Security Group associated with your RDS instance, add an inbound rule to allow public access via the Internet. Add IP address and the port number your DB listens on (i.e. 5432 for PostgreSQL).

With these two options AppRunner was able to communicate with the RDS DB. If you cannot make your DB publicly accessible then you probably cannot make this work.

One AppRunner enhancement could be to potentially limit the IP address range any one application can be deployed to. I noticed with every deployment the AppRunner IP address for the application would be completely different, not even having the same couple of octets in the IP address. This would allow users to avoid total public access with IP address We would then be able to limit the rule perhaps to a particular CIDR such as

I also added this line to test if my application could access the RDS DB port in a startup shell script:

# Test if port 5432 is accessible via this machine.
echo " Zero is success: sleep 10 | echo 0 > /dev/tcp/<rds instance id> && echo $? : "
sleep 10 | echo 0 > /dev/tcp/<rds instance id> && echo $?

Edited by: SamSan on Jul 25, 2021 11:05 AM

con risposta 3 anni fa

This feature is now supported: "You can now connect you App Runner services to databases in Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)..."

con risposta 2 anni fa

voted ;)
any deadline for this feature?

con risposta 3 anni fa

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