MacOS Catalina AMI


Unrelated, I started learning about AWS earlier this week and I’m having serious issues creating an Instance basically because I use a MacOS Catalina. And the least Mac AMI on AWS is Monterrey.

posta 4 mesi fa160 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte

Keep in mind that AWS regularly updates its services and offerings, so it's a good idea to check the AWS Marketplace and AWS documentation ( for the latest information regarding macOS AMIs and supported versions.Also, it's worth noting that using macOS on AWS might have limitations and licensing considerations. Make sure you review and comply with Apple's licensing terms for macOS

Hope it clarifies and if does I would appreciate answer to be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity, thanks ;)

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con risposta 4 mesi fa

According to this, Mac instances can run Catalina

Also check which region you are in, because some Catalina AMIs are available in the long-established regions like Northern Virginia, but not in the newer regions.

AWS Console -> EC2 -> AMIs -> Public Images and search for Catalina gives six AMIs in us-east-1;search=:catalina;v=3;$case=tags:false%5C,client:false;$regex=tags:false%5C,client:false

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con risposta 4 mesi fa

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