is it possible to creating Control Tower OUs programmatically with selected guardrails?


Hi im am not very familiar with AWS CLI or any iac code there but im looking for an option to create OUs in Control Tower programmatically with a bundle of selected Guardrails. Because the Guardrails based on AWS Config Rules are not put automatically on new created OUs :/.

Highly appreciated if there would be a way to iac this creation. We do not want to do this with account factory customization if there it would be possible. We just need the OUs created.

posta 2 anni fa986 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Unfortunately not at this time. There are no CLI commands or API calls available for Control Tower actions. OU's can be createad programmatically via AWS Organizations CLI commands. But they will not be registered within Control Tower until that action is performed in the Console. This feature is in high demand, and we hope to release updates for this in the future.

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con risposta 2 anni fa

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