ECS FluentBit container is failed to start


I am using Firelens to stream logs to cloudwatch. The fluentbit container is failing to start.

AWS for Fluent Bit Container Image Version 2.28.4
Fluent Bit v1.9.9
* Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Fluent Bit Authors
* Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd
[2022/12/02 05:06:48] [error] [config] error in /fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf:32: key has an empty value
[2022/12/02 05:06:48] [error] configuration file contains errors, aborting.

I didn't make any change to this file "/fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf" . I tried in both ecs & fargate launch type and both custom & aws default conf. I tried in all the possibilities of the ECS & fluentbit combinations. Everywhere I am getting the same error. Please help me to resolve this.

ECS Agent Version: 1.66.2 Platform: Linux Tried in both intel & graviton still getting the same error.

posta 2 anni fa1043 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

If you want an easy way to get using FluentBit, which is amazing btw, take a look at using FireLens which would configure a lot of things for you right off the back.

What image did you use to have fluentbit?

If there are more things you'd want to do on top of firelens, you could use ECS Compose-X which has a built-in mechanism to help with FireLens & add more fluent bit extensions. See these example to get started.

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con risposta 2 anni fa

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