it is possible to edit a lightsail instance?


hello there, I ran a WP instance but now I want to add cPanel to that instance, it is posibble to edit the instance an add the cPanel license or I will new to create a new one with cPanel?

thx in advance

posta 2 anni fa256 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte

Hello and thanks for using Lightsail!

While we do offer a blueprint with cPanel & WHM for Linux you can certainly add cPanel to any instance that already exists. Our WordPress blueprint is based on Debian 4.19 so you should consult the cPanel documentation and follow instructions for installation for that OS.

If you go with a new instance, WordPress does provide an export feature so that you can move your site's data over to the new instance.

I hope this helps!


profile pictureAWS
con risposta 2 anni fa

I have the same question and can you clarify your answer.. If I create a new instance with cpanel & WHM, how do I get wordpress installed? Is that an option in Cpanel?

con risposta un anno fa

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