Postgis extension version for the RDS Preview Postgresql 15


What version of the PostGIS extension is available on the RDS Preview Postgresql 15 database.

posta 2 anni fa1036 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte
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It looks like PostGIS is not an available extension on the Postgresql 15 preview. After creating an instance and getting connecting to it, postgis is not in the list from "SHOW rds.extensions;"

con risposta 2 anni fa
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verificato 2 mesi fa

The version of the PostGIS extension available on an Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Preview PostgreSQL 15 database depends on the specific RDS instance type and region you are using. You can check the version of PostGIS that is available on your RDS instance by connecting to the database and running the following command:

SELECT postgis_full_version();

This will return the version of PostGIS that is installed on your RDS instance.

Keep in mind that RDS PostgreSQL 15 is currently in preview and may not be available in all regions. If you are using a different version of PostgreSQL on RDS, the version of PostGIS available to you may also be different.

con risposta 2 anni fa
  • I was hoping to avoid setting up an instance in the Preview environment if the PostGIS version has not advanced past what was available for the Postgresql 14 instances, 3.1. Is there some documentation that explains what instance types have what PostGIS versions available? The only preview RDS region I have available is US-East-2 so I don't have any options there. I would like to avoid blindly setting up different instances to connect to and check the PostGIS version of. I need PostGIS version 3.2 or greater.

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