Writing to a String Set from Lambda


I want to write a string set into a DynamoDB table from a Lambda function using table.Put. The best I've come up with so far is:

 def WriteToDB(self):
                            'Direction': self.Direction,
                            'AgentIDs': "'SS': ['test','test4']",
                            'QueueIds': self.QueueIds,
                            'CreatedTime': str(datetime.datetime.now())

It's the AgentIDs field I'm concerned with. It's surely just a matter of formatting, and I'm working from here; https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/dynamodb.html#DynamoDB.Client.put_item, but I just can't get it. Can someone tell me what the correct formatting is?

posta un anno fa248 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

The documentation you've linked to is for the DynamoDB Client put_item rather than the Table resource put_item - they are a bit different and you can see that in the documentation.

I also think that the "string set" as described in the documentation is actually a Python list. Try doing this: 'AgentIDs': ['test','test4']

profile pictureAWS
con risposta un anno fa
  • thanks, that worked after I'd got myself untangled from all the quotation marks

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