Syntax to add tags in aws eks create-cluster command


Hello, Can you provide me the syntax for adding tags for creating eks clusters.

aws eks create-cluster --name $cluster_name --role-arn $role --resources-vpc-config subnetIds=$private_subnet1,$private_subnet1 --tags Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=test1},{Key=Owner,Value=dddd},{Key=Project,Value=yyy},{Key=Environment,Value=Dev},{Key=Scheduling,Value=Automatic},{Key=Department,Value=bbb},{,Value=shared}]"

posta 9 mesi fa521 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte

The CLI documentation is a little confusing on this flag and maybe even wrong. This is what looks like passing multiple tags through cli --tags flag:

--tags Key=Tag1,Value=Value1 Key=Tag2,Value=Value2

Separate key,values with comma and one tag from another with space.

Let me know if this helps you! Have a nice day.

con risposta 9 mesi fa
  • Nope, it is not working, getting the below error.

    bash-3.2$ aws eks create-cluster --name <<name>> --role-arn <<role_arn>> --resources-vpc-config subnetIds=<<id1>>,<<id2>> --tags Key=Name,Value=test1 Key=Owner,Value=<<value>>

    Unknown options: Key=Owner



For AWS EKS- i would recommend using eksctl tool [1], . It is a command line tool for working with EKS clusters that automates many individual tasks. It will create cloud formation template and deploy cluster as per the options you specify

The eksctl tag command is used to manage tags on EKS clusters and other resources created by eksctl.

The basic syntax for the eksctl tag command is: eksctl tag --cluster=<clusterName> --resource=<resourceType> --tags <key=value,key=value>


eksctl tag --cluster=my-cluster --resource=cluster --tags team=dev,env=test

eksctl tag --cluster=my-cluster --resource=nodegroup --tags dept=finance

Reference: [1] - &


con risposta 9 mesi fa

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