S3 File Anonymization ( Data Masking)


Could you please tell me whether there is any AWS service that can mask the content of S3 files? (Data masking/Anonymization).

For Example,

  1. Masking Name from John to 'abcd'

  2. Masking Phone Number from 770012 to 11111

  3. Masking Date of Birth from 2020-01-05 to 2000-11-11

Even after masking, the column's format should be preserved. Example, Date of birth should be in date format even after the masking

Thanks & Regards,

Aflah Kanhayi

3 Risposte

Not sure if you are looking to mask data when stored or when retrieved. For the latter, Object Lambda provides option. Take a look at this blog with example:


con risposta 2 anni fa
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verificato 11 giorni fa
  • the answer is correct, based on the limited information in the question. A more complete answer would have been to also propose solution for masking data when stored.

  • the answer is correct, based on the limited information in the question. A more complete answer would have been to also propose solution for masking data when accessed.


To other good answers, I can add that you can monitor your S3 Buckets using AWS Macie to detect PIIs.

Then you can trigger lambda for findings to anonymize it because AWS Macie is sending events through EventBridge. You can find more here.

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con risposta 2 anni fa

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