Does AWS S3 CRR/SRR replication order match the order of object creation?


In general (barring errors and timing issues due to object sizes etc.), does AWS S3 CRR replicate objects in the order in which they are created? Thanks.

posta 4 anni fa549 visualizzazioni
4 Risposte

Hi aj_park,

As you mention, order will differ due to variables like object sizes but there are many other variables as well given these are replicated in parallel. It's a good idea to assume the replication will be out of order.

con risposta 4 anni fa

Thanks BradM, for explaining. One follow-up question:

If CRR is configured on a bucket and if at object creation time the object matches a replication rule, can I assume that the x-amz-replication-status metadata value will be set to PENDING right away, or is there a possibility that if I make a HEAD request right after creating the object, x-amz-replication-status will not be returned because there is a delay between object creation and when the replication rules are evaluated to determine if an object is eligible for replication. Thanks again, for your help.


con risposta 4 anni fa

Hi again aj_park,

Your questions make me curious about what you have in mind but the specific answer to your question is that the replication status is evaluated immediately, so, assuming you have a replication rule in place at the time of the PUT, the replication status will show PENDING on an immediate HEAD request.

con risposta 4 anni fa

Thanks BradM. I was trying to understand if an application can rely on the x-amz-replication-status being set during a HEAD request or in the inventory report. Or could there be a case that an object is eligible for replication, but x-amz-replication-status is not set and therefore the application can't distinguish between the following:

  1. The object is eligible for replication but it has yet to evaluated for replication OR
  2. The object is not eligible for replication as no rule matched with the object.

Your explanation answers my question. Thanks a lot.

con risposta 4 anni fa

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