Using Amazon EBS for Data Lake


Hi, I'd like to know if it's possible to use Amazon EBS for storing data(csv,json,...) for Data Lake, and acces them for processing and store to s3 ?

posta 2 anni fa375 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta
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While you could use EBS to implement portions of a data lake architecture (volumes for data analytics EC2 instances, for example), it is not a good choice for storing the actual data in a data lake. This is because EBS volumes are typically only accessible by one instance (excluding multi-attach, which requires a cluster-aware filesystem) and should not be used for sharing data. They will not be accessible by Glue, Athena or OpenSearch. Your better bet would be to store the shared data in S3, which is a key aspect of data lake design.

con risposta 2 anni fa
verificato 2 anni fa
  • Oley i understand. Thank you.

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