AWS Workmail redirect to gmail not showing up in gmail for a specific user



I am using aws workmail via gmail. I set up the redirect to gmail but recently i have noticed some of the emails that end up in my aws workmail inbox do not get redirected to my gmail to be specific particular emails from a particular user keep not getting redirected.

When i check my aws work mail console and other Windows Outlook, i can see the email when i switch to google i check the general inbox, spam, all mail I totally cant locate the email, even with email search.

My best guess is for some reason the email is not being redirected. How can I troubleshoot this?

posta 5 mesi fa221 visualizzazioni
3 Risposte


WorkMail cannot redirect all email. When the original sender has hardened their domain and does not allow WorkMail to send mail for their domain via the SPF record, WorkMail will not redirect the message. The only solution to solve this is to change the rule to a Forward rule.

Kind regards, Robin

con risposta 5 mesi fa
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verificato 5 mesi fa
profile pictureAWS
verificato 5 mesi fa
  • Hi Gary,

    Thanks for the info, how do i know if the original sender hardened their domain.

  • You can lookup the txt record for the domain. If this record does not include "" WorkMail will not send the mail as the recipient can see this as spam as a unauthorized source sent an email.



Did you enable monitoring in workmail to surface potential error messages?


If yes, what does it say ?



profile pictureAWS
con risposta 5 mesi fa
  • Hello Didier,

    Thanks for the response. Yes, i have enabled monitoring, i tried to view it in metrics just havent located the exact log for this email yet even when i write a query.

    I guess i am still figuring out how to get the query for the exact email, but at this rate its almost like the log for the particular email is missing.

    But let me going through it, as soon as i find the exact log message, i will check to see what caused the issue and get back to you.


If the emails are BCC'd then then do not get forwarded.

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con risposta 5 mesi fa

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