Deleted Hosted Zone of newly created domain by mistake


Hi, Kindly assist me on how to link a new hosted zone with my existing domain. I accidentally deleted the default one which was created automatically when I created the domain. After creating a new hosted zone with same name as my domain, I updated the NS record by replacing the default list of servers with list of servers which are attached to my domain. I didn't change the anything in SOA record. Now after creating a new record under the hosted zone (type A record) say when i test it through the dig command, the system doesn't show me the value i.e. a dummy IP that i assigned to this new record in the response. Please let me know how do i fix this issue

posta un anno fa257 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Hello AWS Customer,

I'd like to recommend that instead of using a name server in an already deleted hosting area, create a new hosting area and try changing the name server in the domain using the newly created name server.

Hope you will find this information useful. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. We will be more than glad to assist you.

Have a good day!

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